Common Artifact Types

Below are some of the common types of artifacts found at Occaneechi Town.

Animal Bones
Brick Fragments
Chipped-Stone Projectile Points
Clay Pipe Fragments
Daub & Fired Clay
Glass Beads
Glass Fragments
Lead Shot
Shell Beads

Glass beads were made in Europe and traded by Virginians to the Occaneechi, who used them in necklaces and bracelets and to decorate their clothing. The presence of glass beads is a tell-tale sign of contact with Europeans; however, they may not be found by excavators unless a very fine mesh is used to screen the soil.

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Context Entries Photo
Zone 1 2
Posthole #1 1 Yes

Artifacts in Context

Cat No. Artifacts More
Light Fraction 2351w2758
Potsherd 2351w2756